
App configuration

Learn how to setup the overall settings of your app.

When configuring your app, you'll need to define settings in different places depending on which provider will use them (e.g., Expo, EAS).

App config

Let's start with the core settings for your app. These settings are crucial as they're used by Expo and EAS to build your app, determine its store presence, prepare updates, and more.

This configuration includes essential details like the official name, description, scheme, store IDs, splash screen configuration, and more.

You'll define these settings in apps/mobile/app.config.ts. Make sure to follow the Expo config schema when setting this up.

Here is an example of what the config file looks like:

import { ExpoConfig } from "expo/config";
export default ({ config }: ConfigContext): ExpoConfig => ({
  name: APP_NAME,
  slug: SLUG,
  scheme: SLUG,
  version: "0.1.0",
  orientation: "portrait",
  icon: "./assets/images/icon.png",
  userInterfaceStyle: "automatic",
  assetBundlePatterns: ["**/*"],
  sdkVersion: "51.0.0",
  platforms: ["ios", "android"],
  updates: {
    fallbackToCacheTimeout: 0,
  ios: {
    bundleIdentifier: "your.bundle.identifier",
    supportsTablet: false,
    splash: SPLASH,
  android: {
    package: "your.bundle.identifier",
    splash: SPLASH,
  extra: {
    eas: {
      projectId: "your-project-id",
  experiments: {
    tsconfigPaths: true,
    typedRoutes: true,
  plugins: ["expo-router"],

Make sure to replace the values with your own and take your time to set everything correctly.

Configure with app config

EAS config

To properly build and publish your app, you need to define settings for the EAS build service.

This is done in apps/mobile/eas.json and it must follow the EAS config scheme.

Here is an example of what the config file looks like:

  "cli": {
    "version": ">= 4.1.2"
  "build": {
    "base": {
      "node": "20.15.0",
      "pnpm": "9.6.0",
      "ios": {
        "resourceClass": "m-medium"
    "preview": {
      "extends": "base",
      "distribution": "internal",
      "android": {
        "buildType": "apk"
      "env": {
        "APP_ENV": "test",
        "EXPO_PUBLIC_SITE_URL": "",
        "EXPO_PUBLIC_AUTH_PASSWORD": "true",
    "production": {
      "extends": "base",
      "env": {
        "APP_ENV": "production",
        "EXPO_PUBLIC_SITE_URL": "",
        "EXPO_PUBLIC_AUTH_PASSWORD": "true",

Make sure to fill all the environment variables with the correct values for your project and correct environment, otherwise your app won't build and you won't be able to publish it.

Configure EAS Build with eas.json

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