Get started with billing in TurboStarter.
Fully-featured billing on mobile is coming soon
For now, billing has a limited functionalities on mobile, we're mostly relying on the web app to handle billing.
We are working on a fully-featured mobile billing to help you monetize your mobile app easier. Stay tuned for updates.
Fetching customer data
When your user purchased a plan from your landing page or web app, you can easily fetch their data using the API.
To do so, just call the /api/billing/customer
You may also want to ensure that user is logged in before fetching their billing data to avoid unnecessary API calls.
Be cautious!
Be mindful when implementing payment-related features in your mobile app. Apple has strict guidelines regarding external payment systems and may reject your app if you aggressively redirect users to web-based payment flows. Make sure to review the App Store Review Guidelines carefully and consider implementing native in-app purchases for iOS users to ensure compliance.
We are currently working on a fully native payments system that will make it easier to comply with Apple's guidelines - stay tuned for updates!
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