Cloning repository
Get the code to your local machine and start developing.
Prerequisite: Git installed
Ensure you have Git installed on your local machine before proceeding. You can download Git from here.
Git clone
Clone the repository using the following command:
If your SSH key isn't set up, use HTTPS instead:
Use HTTPS for all commands if not using SSH
If you are not using SSH, ensure you switch to HTTPS for all Git commands, not just the clone command.
Git clone
Git remote
After cloning the repository, remove the original origin remote:
Add the upstream remote pointing to the original repository to pull updates:
Once you have your own repository set up, add your repository as the origin:
Git remote
Staying up to date
To pull updates from the upstream repository, run the following command daily (preferably with your morning coffee ☕):
This ensures your repository stays up to date with the latest changes.
Check Updating codebase for more details on updating your codebase.
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