Updating codebase
Learn how to update your codebase to the latest version.
If you've been following along with our previous guides, you should already have a Git repository set up for your project, with an upstream
remote pointing to the original repository.
Updating your project involves fetching the latest changes from the upstream
remote and merging them into your project. Let's dive into the steps!
Stash changes
Don't have changes?
If you don't have any changes to stash, you can skip this step and proceed with the update process.
Alternatively, you can commit your changes.
If you have any uncommitted changes, stash them before proceeding. It will allow you to avoid any conflicts that may arise during the update process.
This command will save your changes in a temporary location, allowing you to retrieve them later. Once you're done updating, you can apply the stash to your working directory.
Pull changes
Pull the latest changes from the upstream
When prompted the first time, please opt for merging instead of rebasing.
Don't forget to run pnpm i
in case there are any updates in the dependencies.
Resolve conflicts
If there are any conflicts during the merge, Git will notify you. You can resolve them by opening the conflicting files in your code editor and making the necessary changes.
Conflicts in pnpm-lock.yaml?
If you find conflicts in the pnpm-lock.yaml file
, accept either of the two changes (avoid manual edits), then run:
Your lock file will now reflect both your changes and the updates from the upstream repository.
Run a health check
After resolving the conflicts, it's time to test your project to ensure everything is working as expected. Run your project locally and navigate through the various features to verify that everything is functioning correctly.
For a quick health check, you can run:
If everything looks good, you're all set! Your project is now up to date with the latest changes from the upstream
Commit and push
Once everything is working fine, don't forget to commit your changes using:
and push them to your remote repository with:
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