
Marketing pages

Discover which marketing pages are available out of the box and how to add a new one.

TurboStarter comes with pre-defined marketing pages to help you get started with your SaaS application. These pages are built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS and are located in the apps/web/src/app/[locale]/(marketing) directory.

TurboStarter comes with the following marketing pages:

  • Blog: to display your blog posts
  • Pricing: to display your pricing plans
  • Contact: to enable users to contact you with a contact form

Contact form

To make the contact form work, you need to add the following environment variable:


Set this variable to the email address where you want to receive contact form submissions. The sender's email address will match what you configured in your mailing configuration.

Adding a new marketing page

To add a new marketing page, create a new directory in apps/web/src/app/[locale]/(marketing) with the desired route name.

The page will automatically become available in your application at the corresponding URL path.

For example, to create a page accessible at /about, create a directory named about and add a page.tsx file inside it. The complete path would be apps/web/src/app/[locale]/(marketing)/about/page.tsx.

export default function AboutPage() {
  return <div>About</div>;

This page inherits the layout at apps/web/src/app/[locale]/(marketing)/layout.tsx. You can customize the layout by editing this file - but remember that it will affect all marketing pages.

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