
Marketing pages

Discover which marketing pages are available out of the box and how to add a new one.

TurboStarter comes with pre-defined marketing pages to help you get started with your SaaS application. These pages are built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS and are located in the apps/web/src/app/(client)/(marketing) directory.

TurboStarter comes with the following marketing pages:

  • Home Page (coming soon)
  • Contact Form: to send emails to your inbox
  • Pricing Page: to display your pricing plans
  • FAQ: to provide answers to frequently asked questions
  • Contact Page (with contact form): to display your contact information

Adding a new marketing page

You can add a new marketing page by creating a new file in the apps/web/src/app/(client)/(marketing) directory.

The page will be automatically available in your application.

For example, to create a new page at /about, you would create a folder named about. Then, create the page file in the folder. For example, to create an about page, you would create an about/page.tsx file in the about folder.

export default function AboutPage() {
  return <div>About</div>;

This page inherits the layout at apps/web/src/app/(client)/(marketing)/layout.tsx. You can customize the layout by editing this file - but remember that it will affect all marketing pages.

Contact form

To make the contact form work, you need to add the following environment variables:


In this variable, you need to set the email address where you want to receive the contact form submissions. The sender will be the same as the one configured in your mailing configuration.

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