

Some standard conventions used across TurboStarter codebase.

You're not required to follow these conventions: they're simply a standard set of practices used in the core kit. If you like them - I encourage you to keep these during your usage of the kit - so to have consistent code style that you and your teammates understand.

Turborepo Packages

In this project, we use Turborepo packages to define reusable code that can be shared across multiple applications.

  • Apps are used to define the main application, including routing, layout, and global styles.
  • Packages shares reusable code add functionalities across multiple applications. They're configurable from the main application.

Should I create a new package?

Recommendation: Do not create a package for your app code unless you plan to reuse it across multiple applications or are experienced in writing library code.

If your application is not intended for reuse, keep all code in the app folder. This approach saves time and reduces complexity, both of which are beneficial for fast shipping.

Experienced developers: If you have the experience, feel free to create packages as needed.

Imports and Paths

When importing modules from packages or apps, use the following conventions:

  • From a package: Use @turbostarter/package-name (e.g., @turbostarter/ui, @turbostarter/api, etc.).
  • From an app: Use ~/ (e.g., ~/lib/components, ~/config, etc.).

Enforcing conventions

  • Prettier is used to enforce code formatting.
  • ESLint is used to enforce code quality and best practices.
  • TypeScript is used to enforce type safety.

Code health

TurboStarter provides a set of tools to ensure code health and quality in your project.

Github Actions

By default, TurboStarter sets up Github Actions to run tests on every push to the repository. You can find the Github Actions configuration in the .github/workflows directory.

The workflow has multiple stages:

  • format - runs Prettier to format the code.
  • lint - runs ESLint to check for linting errors.
  • typecheck - runs TypeScript to check for type errors.

Git hooks

Together with TurboStarter we have set up a commit-msg hook which will check if your commit message follows the conventional commit message format. This is important for generating changelogs and keeping a clean commit history.

Although we didn't ship any pre-commit hooks (we believe in shipping fast with moving checking code responsibility to CI), you can easily add them by using Husky.

Setting up the Pre-Commit Hook

To do so, create a pre-commit file in the ./..husky directory with the following content:

pnpm typecheck
pnpm lint

Turborepo will execute the commands for all the affected packages - while skipping the ones that are not affected.

Make the Pre-Commit Hook Executable

chmod +x ./.husky/pre-commit

To test the pre-commit hook, try to commit a file with linting errors or type errors. The commit should fail, and you should see the error messages in the console.

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