Start your new project with a single command.

✔ All prerequisites satisfied.
ℹ Configuring web app...
✔ API installed.
✔ Billing setup created.
✔ Emails configuration done.
ℹ Configuring mobile app...
✔ Authentication set up.
✔ Published to stores.
ℹ Configuring browser extension...
✔ Themes installed.
✔ Connected with web app.
✔ Project initialization completed.

To help you get started with TurboStarter as quickly as possible, we've developed a CLI that enables you to create a new project (with all the configuration) in seconds.

The CLI is a set of commands that will help you create a new project, generate code, and manage your project efficiently.

Currently, the following action is available:

  • Starting a new project - Generate starter code for your project with all necessary configurations in place (billing, database, emails, etc.)

The CLI is in beta, and we're actively working on adding more commands and actions. Soon, the following features will be available:

  • Translations - Translate your project, verify translations, and manage them effectively
  • Installing plugins - Easily install plugins for your project
  • Dynamic code generation - Generate dynamic code based on your project structure


You can run commands using npx:

npx turbostarter <command>
npx @turbostarter/cli@latest <command>

If you don't want to install the CLI globally, you can simply replace the examples below with npx @turbostarter/cli@latest instead of turbostarter.

This also allows you to always run the latest version of the CLI without having to update it.


Running the CLI without any arguments will display the general information about the CLI:

Usage: turbostarter [options] [command]
Your Turbo Assistant for starting new projects, adding plugins and more.
  -v, --version   display the version number
  -h, --help      display help for command
  new             create a new TurboStarter project
  help [command]  display help for command

You can also display help for it or check the actual version.

Starting a new project

Use the new command to initialize configuration and dependencies for a new project.

npx turbostarter new

You will be asked a few questions to configure your project:

 All prerequisites are satisfied, let's start! 🚀
? What do you want to ship? ›
    ◉   Web app
    ◉   Mobile app
    ◯   Browser extension
? Enter your project name. ›
? How do you want to use database? ›
    Local (powered by Docker)
? What do you want to use for billing? ›
    Lemon Squeezy
🎉 You can now get started. Open the project and just ship it! 🎉

It will create a new project, configure providers, install dependencies and start required services in development mode.

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Ship your startup everywhere. In minutes.