Adding new endpoint

How to add new endpoint to the API.

To define a new API endpoint, you can either extend an existing entity (e.g. add new customer route) or create a new, separate module.

Create new module

To create a new module you can create a new folder in the modules folder. For example modules/posts.

Then you would need to create a router declaration for this module. We're following a convention with the filename suffixes, so you would need to create a file named posts.router.ts in the modules/posts folder.

import { Hono } from "hono";
import { validate } from "../../middleware";
export const postsRouter = new Hono().get(
  validate("query", filtersSchema),
  (c) => getAllPosts(c.req.valid("query")),

As you can see we're implementing a .get method without any additional middlewares for the router. This is a simple way to define a new GET endpoint.

Also, we're using a zod validator to ensure that input passed to the endpoint is correct.

Maybe mutation?

The same way you can define a mutation for the new entity, just by changing the get to post:


export const postsRouter = new Hono().post(
  validate("json", postSchema),
  (c) => createPost(c.req.valid("json")),

Hono supports all HTTP methods, so you can define a new endpoint for any method you need (e.g. put, delete, etc.).

The enforceAuth middleware ensures that only authenticated users can access the endpoint, while the zod validator checks if the input data matches the expected schema. This combination provides both authentication and data validation in a single, clean setup.

Read more about protected routes.

Implement logic

Then you would need to create a controller for this module. There is a place, where the logic happens, e.g. for the GET / endpoint we would need to create a getAllPosts function which will fetch posts from the database.

import { db } from "@turbostarter/db/server";
import { posts } from "@turbostarter/db/schema";
export const getAllPosts = (filters: Filters) => {
  return db.select().from(posts).all().where(/* your filter logic here */);

Register router

To make the module and its endpoints available in the API you need to register a router for this module in the index.ts file:

import { postsRouter } from "./modules/posts/posts.router";
const appRouter = new Hono()
  .route("/posts", postsRouter)
  /* other routers from your app logic */
type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
export type { AppRouter };
export { appRouter };

The basePath method sets a prefix for all routes in this router. While optional, using it helps organize API endpoints. This modular approach makes the API structure clearer and easier to maintain.

That's it! You've just created a new API endpoint - it's now available at /api/posts 🎉

It's fully type-safe!

By exporting the AppRouter type you get fully type-safe RPC calls in the client. It's important because without producing a huge amount of code, we're fully type-safe from the frontend code. It helps avoid passing incorrect data to the procedure and streamline consuming returned types without a need to define these types by hand.

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