
Managing dependencies

Learn how to manage dependencies in your project.

As the package manager we chose pnpm.

Why pnpm?

It is a fast, disk space efficient package manager that uses hard links and symlinks to save one version of a module only ever once on a disk. It also has a great monorepo support. Of course, you can change it to use Bun, yarn or npm with minimal effort.

Install dependency

To install a package you need to decide whether you want to install it to the root of the monorepo or to a specific workspace. Installing it to the root makes it available to all packages, while installing it to a specific workspace makes it available only to that workspace.

To install a package globally, run:

pnpm add -w <package-name>

To install a package to a specific workspace, run:

pnpm add --filter <workspace-name> <package-name>

For example:

pnpm add --filter @turbostarter/ui framer-motion

It will install framer-motion to the @turbostarter/ui workspace.

Remove dependency

Removing a package is the same as installing but with the remove command.

To remove a package globally, run:

pnpm remove -w <package-name>

To remove a package to a specific workspace, run:

pnpm remove --filter <workspace-name> <package-name>

Update a package

Updating is a bit easier since there is a nice way to update a package in all workspaces at once:

pnpm update -r <package-name>

Semantic versioning

When you update a package, pnpm will respect the semantic versioning rules defined in the package.json file. If you want to update a package to the latest version, you can use the --latest flag.

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