
Get started with TurboStarter extension kit.

Welcome to the TurboStarter documentation. This is your starting point for learning about the starter kit, its structure, features, and how to use it for web app development.

TurboStarter demo

What is TurboStarter?

TurboStarter is a fullstack starter kit that helps you build production-ready and scalable web apps, mobile apps, and browser extensions in minutes.


TurboStarter is being built with the following principles:

  • As simple as possible - it should be easy to understand and easy to use and strongly avoid overengineering things.
  • As few dependencies as possible - it should has as less dependencies as possible to allow you taking full control over every part of the project.
  • As performant as possible - it should be as fast as light without any unnecessary overhead.


Before diving into the technical details, let's overview the features TurboStarter provides.

Multi-platform development

  • Web: Build web apps with React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS.
  • Mobile: Build mobile apps with React Native and Expo.
  • Browser extension: Build browser extensions with React and Plasmo.

Available. Everywhere.

Most features are available on all platforms. You can use the same codebase to build web, mobile, and browser extension apps.

Marketing pages

  • Landing page with the following sections:
    • Hero
    • Features
    • Testimonials
    • FAQ
    • Newsletter signup
  • Pricing page
  • Contact page
  • Legal pages (with ChatGPT prompts for privacy policy and terms and conditions)


  • Ready-to-use components and views
  • Email/password flow
  • Magic links
  • Password recovery process
  • OAuth (Google, Github preconfigured)


  • Subscriptions
  • One-time payments
  • Webhooks
  • Custom plans
  • Billing components
  • Multiple providers (Stripe and LemonSqueezy)


  • Blog pages
  • MDX-based content collections


  • Serverless architecture
  • One source-of-truth for every app
  • Protected routes
  • Feature-based access
  • Fully typesafe frontend client


  • Transactional emails
  • Marketing emails
  • Email templates
  • Multiple providers (SendGrid, Resend, nodemailer etc.)


  • Multiple providers (OpenAI, Anthropic, Groq, Mistral, Gemini, etc.)
  • Ready-to-use components (chatbot, assistant, etc.)
  • Streaming responses


  • 10+ built-in themes
  • Dark mode
  • CLI for adding components
  • Ready-to-use atomic design system


  • Tracking events
  • Auto-capturing page views
  • Identifying users
  • Multiple providers (Google Analytics, PostHog, etc.)


  • One-click deployment
  • Submission tips
  • Preconfigured CI/CD workflows

Use like LEGO blocks

The biggest advantage of TurboStarter is its modularity. You can use the entire stack or just the parts you need. It's like LEGO blocks - you can build anything you want with it.

If you don't need a specific feature, feel free to remove it without affecting the rest of the stack.

This approach allows for:

  • 🧩 Easy feature integration: Plug new features into the kit with minimal changes.
  • 🛠️ Simplified maintenance: Keep the codebase clean and maintainable.
  • 🎯 Core feature separation: Distinguish between core features and custom features.
  • 🌟 Additional modules: Easily add modules like billing, CMS, monitoring, logger, mailer, and more.

Scope of this documentation

While building a SaaS application involves many moving parts, this documentation focuses specifically on TurboStarter. For in-depth information on the underlying technologies, please refer to their respective official documentation.

This documentation will guide you through configuring, running, and deploying the kit, and will provide helpful links to the official documentation of technologies where necessary.


This documentation is designed to be easy to follow and understand. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to us at

Explore new features, build amazing apps, and have fun! 🚀

Last updated on

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Ship your startup everywhere. In minutes.Get TurboStarter